Women's History Month

Women's History Month

What would we do without women?

I think we can all agree that women are amazing. From caretakers to inventors, women make the world go around. We have women to thank for many essential products and technology that we use on a daily basis. Everything from computer algorithms to medical syringes, women are indeed the backbone of our world.

As a woman myself, I have much to celebrate this month.

I may be the founder of Mrs. Bakewell’s, The Cream Tea Company, but first and foremost, I am a mother. 

I was recently asked in an interview what challenges I face as a female business owner, and for days, this question haunted me because I wish I had answered it differently. I had responded from a business standpoint and not a personal one. My biggest challenge is the mom guilt. Most moms can relate to this, but as a business owner, I’m still learning to juggle my mom duties and work. 

While I will drop everything in the midst of working if my toddler needs a cuddle, wearing so many hats also means constantly questioning my decisions regarding what needs to be prioritized.

Between school drop-offs, packing lunches, cooking meals, chauffeuring children to activities, cleaning, providing emotional support, etc., it’s incredible what we moms accomplish in a day. I’d like to remind all mamas out there that you’re doing the best you can with the time, motivation, and energy you have, so remember to look after yourselves as well.

I have an infinite amount of respect for women-owned businesses, not only because I fall into that category but because of the mountains and hurdles we had to climb and cross to achieve what we have thus far.

Women are strong, resilient, and powerful.



Send our lovingly curated cream tea boxes to the strong women in your life. You would simultaneously be supporting a female-owned and operated business, which we would be so very grateful for.

In honor of Women's History Month, we are offering a Buy one get one 25% off deal for the month of March.

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